How You Get Lumbar Disc Protrusion

As I had to find out myself, a lumbar disc protrusion is not a funny thing to have. On this post I'd like to distract from the painful part and focus on how a lumbar protrusion develops.

The two most common reasons for a disc to protrude or herniate are trauma and muscle imbalances. Muscle imbalances lead to what are called "postural dysfunctions." This images show an example of such a dysfunction: the left person has a normal posture, while the person on the right has an imbalanced one:
These dysfunctions put high pressure on a disc that will cause increased wear and tear over time. Eventually, the weak spot will give way and make contact with the nerve, bringing you pain.
If it is not caused by trauma, a lumbar disc protrusion does not happen overnight. You may be come symptomatic very quickly, but it takes a long time for conditions to be right for the nerve to be put under enough pressure to cause pain.

Go to to read more about muscle imbalances and their causes.